I recently received a wonderful letter in the mail and was so moved by it, I had to post for everyone. Click on the letter below to meet 4-year old Ava from California:

Carolina's Story, the children's book written about in the letter, is a wonderful story about a sick loggerhead sea turtle named Carolina that received medical care and TLC right here in the South Carolina Aquarium's Sea Turtle Hospital. This book has made it to thousands of classrooms and homes and inspired many, including Ava all the way from California! On behalf of the South Carolina Aquarium and the Sea Turtle Rescue Program, I would like to thank Ava for the great job on the educational posters and the successful garage sale. I feel sure that you will get to help a leatherback hatchling to the ocean one day!
And to all the other children that donate the the Sea Turtle Rescue Program through birthdays, bake sales, lemonade stands or by doing extra chores, I will try to get your stories up as they come in. You all are TRULY INSPIRING!