One of the most exciting stories of the day was that 7-year old Ethan Harrison and his mother Shelley, of Caledonia, Ontario in Canada, traveled down to be a part of it. After raising almost $2500 over 3 years for the sick and injured sea turtles in the Sea Turtle Rescue Program, Ethan gave his favorite healed patient, Wadmalaw, one final helping hand - he carried him home. It was somewhat emotional for all of us but particularly for the Harrisons.

Thank you to all involved in the rescue, rehabilitation and release of these sea turtles, including Ethan. There are too many others to name here but we could not do what we do without ALL OF YOU!
I would like to send a special thank you to Kiawah's ResortQuest for the wonderful villa that was given to the Harrisons during their trip to Charleston and to the employees of ResortQuest for raising money for Ethan and donating to the Sea Turtle Rescue Program in Ethan's name. This was a REALLY nice touch to a special weekend.
Kelly Thorvalson