The public is invited to join the South Carolina Aquarium for some summer fun at the beach to watch the release of 3 threatened and endangered sea turtles! The release will be held at 11am on Tuesday, July 12 at Beachwalker County Park on Kiawah Island, SC. Come out to see juvenile loggerheads, Grice and Lisa, and an extremely rare adult female Kemp's ridley, Bennett, get released back into the ocean after recovering from various ailments in the Aquarium's Sea Turtle Hospital. County Park parking fees apply and parking is limited so we strongly encourage carpooling.
A little information about each turtle is below but you can find out more about the program and the sea turtles being released by visiting the Sea Turtle Hospital webpage at
Grice, a 66-pound juvenile loggerhead, arrived at the Sea Turtle Hospital with rotting skin ulcerations and leeches all over the soft tissue. She has recovered from her skin issues and anemia extremely quickly.
Lisa, a 68-pound juvenile loggerhead, was caught on board the SCDNR research vessel, RV Lady Lisa, with most of her soft tissue void of the protective keratin layer. She was admitted into the Sea Turtle Hospital primarily because of concern that this was the early stages of the skin ulcerative disease that we have seen so much of this year.
Bennett, the 76-pound adult female Kemp's ridley caught on the RV Lady Lisa, had an unfortunate encounter with a stingray barb that punctured deeply in the soft tissue by the rear flipper. Other than the puncture wound, this turtle was extremely healthy which allowed her to recover in just a month!

We hope all of you will join us to say goodbye to these amazing creatures! Huge thanks to all those that were part of the rescue, rehabilitation and release of these animals, including the SC Department of Natural Resources and Charleston County Parks and Recreation Commission. You all are amazing!